How to Setup Google Analytic Goals in Volusion

Posted by eellsworth on 30th Jan 2015

What You Must Do to Properly Tracking Your Volusion Conversions

Essential to any Volusion ecommerce store is properly setting up your Google Analytics Goals and Funnel.  Without proper set-up you will be unable to fully analyze your traffic and determine what’s profitable and what keywords are driving great revenue. Before setting up your Google Analytic goals you’ll need to make sure the following two steps have been completed:
  1. You’ve enabled your Google Analytic profile to track e-commerce transactions; and
  2. You’ve installed the correct Volusion tracking code to ensure the orders; products and their revenue are correctly captured into your GA account.
For those of you who haven’t enabled e-commerce tracking here are the quick steps:
  1. Log into your Google Analytics account
  2. Edit the website profile you want to enable
  3. Once in the proper profile, click “Edit” to open the profile page
  4. Select “Yes” and press “Save Changes”
[caption id="attachment_235" align="alignnone" width="389" caption="Enabling E-Commerce in Google Analytics"]Enabling E-Commerce in Google Analytics[/caption]

Create a Volusion Conversion Goal and Funnel

From your Google Analytics profile page, click “Edit” for the goal you want to create: [caption id="attachment_236" align="alignnone" width="534" caption="Creating a Volusion Conversion Goal"]Creating a Volusion Conversion Goal[/caption] At the top portion of the Goal Setting page you’ll need enter and confirm the following settings:
  • Match Type: Head Match
  • Goal URL: /OrderFinished.asp
  • Goal Name: (You can enter whatever you want here)
  • Case Sensitive: Unchecked
  • Goal Value: 0.0
[caption id="attachment_237" align="alignnone" width="573" caption="Setting the Volusion Goal URL"]Setting the Volusion Goal URL[/caption]

Define the Volusion Funnel Pages

A conversion funnel is a breakdown of the sales process and in Volusion’s case it is the 3 pages that make up a sale on your web store.  Although Google says this is an optional step your funnel analytics will be worthless without defining the following 3 pages as your funnel:
  • ShoppingCart.asp
  • One-Page-Checkout.asp
  • OrderFinished.asp
When entered correctly your funnel definition should look like this: [caption id="attachment_238" align="alignnone" width="570" caption="Define the Volusion Funnel Pages"]Define the Volusion Funnel Pages[/caption] The reason you should leave “Required Step” unchecked is people may get to the checkout page yet bypass the shopping cart.  If you make the shopping cart mandatory then those metrics would not be tabulated with the others. Press “Save Changes” and you are done!

Viewing the Volusion Funnel Visualization

After a week or so, you can begin to peruse the valuable information that is now at your fingertips. [caption id="attachment_239" align="alignnone" width="487" caption="A Completed Volusion Funnel Visualization"]A Completed Volusion Funnel Visualization[/caption] And, now the real fun begins, right?!